The Loonshots Letter
- A poem from Einstein
- The best idea from Steve Jobs
- Judah’s story: counting the arrows in your ass
- The mRNA story: the long, long loonshot to our first covid vaccine
- My father’s story: how stars shine
- A brief note on the president’s science advisor
- How to win the next war
- Talking to yourself (Andre Agassi)
- Turtles, hypnosis, and Jerry Seinfeld
- Bob Dylan: Pawn in their Game
- English fools and madmen (Lady Mary + Edwin Jenner)
- Peacetime vs. Wartime Drug Development (WSJ op-ed)
- The History of Pfizer and Penicillin: Lessons for Coronavirus (WSJ op-ed)
- The Five Laws of Loonshots
- Don’t tax iPhones, Disney movies, or cancer drugs (WSJ op-ed)
- Why structure eats culture for lunch
- The beautiful baby problem
- Burger King + the two types of loonshots
- At Amazon’s secret lab
- My all-time favorite graph
- Breaking into the CIA
- The Innovation Equation (Harvard Business Review)
- The case for a unified Future Warfare Command (War On The Rocks)
- James Bond, Garry Kasparov, and the three levels of strategy (Medium)
- On hypnosis, conquering insomnia, and the need for a chief incentives officer (Tim Ferriss)
- Speaking at the US Air Force Academy
- Loonshots is #1 (in Korea); foreword to Korean edition
- Loonshots first 10 months
- A Nobel Prize for the environment
- On Mr. Rogers
- On Elon Musk, Edwin Land, and Tesla
- Loonshots Cliff notes on Twitter
- Larry Silverstein and the World Trade Center
- Nuclear submarines
- Keep your eyes on SRT
- In praise of crazy ideas (The Scientist)
- The future of NASA
Loonshots in 90 seconds (video clip)
“A groundbreaking book that spans industries and time” –Newsweek
“Not to be missed by anyone who wants to understand how ideas change the world.” –Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize, author of Thinking, Fast and Slow
“If the Da Vinci Code and Freakonomics had a child together, it would be called Loonshots” –Senator Bob Kerrey